A waste of time

I did a flyer job for a restaurant in the city. Now it´s over.
The regulatory agency of Berlin give me a bill, cause I´ve got no permission.
After that there was terrible controversy with the neighbour of the restaurant I worked for.
This italian mafia guy attacks me with strong words.
My boss came out and kicks my ass. "You´re out now!"
Bravo. Over.
Why I do those jobs ?
Cause I am no star so far.
I don´t know if I have to feel sad for.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Der Erfolg eines Menschen lässt sich nicht an der Position messen, die er inne hat, sondern an den Hindernissen, die er überwinden musste, um die Position zu erreichen, die er heute inne hat.

    Mach' Dein Ding und die Pizza-Flyer-Typen sollen mal Häufchen machen gehen...
