Ok, think you got your iwn save bank account, and der is. nothing on it ...
You got just 1 thought, to change it to better numbers, mostly ya did som jobs hardly, but it won´t nreak you in better, you just lose ...and damn, no chance!
What would blo you of to do better?
In a way nothing, cause money makes often no sence, if you aks me. It´s miportant NOT to be in debts, and believe me, i am private not, just a bit over the credit sys and I´ve to solve it the next months.
Tha´s my case, but what about you P ?!
In these days, lot ppl just talk bout: I will be or I am a millionaer.
It makes no sence if you aks me, its´s jsst stupid to talk dat. It´s NETFLIX shit, it´s cars and stupid chix wit fake lips, nails, dubai clash ... and so on ..
NETFLIX ? Is too cheap, the price must be 199eur /m.
We all make NF poor, you too!
Got me ?! It´s dat!
So, and now you wanna be a millinaer ? How ?
Don´t try, maybe you should contact ppl like MEGA guy Kim Dot Com, he may break ya account, to blo numbers high, from 1000eur to 100.000 eur.
Money at all are debts, S1 wrote on paper: I will get 100 coins from you, so here is the billing: a 100eur note. So, it´s so debby.
In a way, i can´t have money, it´s soo stressfull and nerdy.
But: even besides Bürgergeld, i felt dat i may collect mo coins and notes than possible, cause Aufschung, and also a chinese x-ported inflation TO US ! ALL!
How to deal ? I don´t got the answer so far.
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